Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps

New Student Orientation (NSO)

PT and Nutrition Plan | NSO Packing List | Uniform Size Sheet | |University Information | College Program Application| NSO Midshipmen Knowledge Packet |

Key Dates:

  • 19  August, Move in Day
  • 20 August, Oath of Office, Staff Introduction & Administrative Processing Day
  • 21 August, Physical Wellness & Nutrition
  • 22 August, PFT/PRT & University and NROTC involvement
  • 23 August, – Luncheon
REMEMBER TO REGISTER FOR THE FOLLOWING CLASSES FOR FALL 2024: NSC 115 (Leadership Lab)) – Thursdays 1300-1700  AND  NSC 111 (Intro to Naval Science) Mon/Wed 1000-1115
  1. Complete this Google Forms so the staff can verify your contact information and register you for NSC 111: Incoming Midshipman Contact Information
  2. You will be able to move into your dormitory starting Monday morning, 19 August 2024.   Please contact the university Student Housing Office (662-915-7328) if you have any questions about the timeline for moving into your dorm room.
  3. 20 August 2024 – Students will report on Tuesday morning at 0800 to Conner Hall Room 112 (https://map.olemiss.edu/?id=562#!m/10000824) on the University of Mississippi campus. We will introduce the staff, conduct the oath of office, and then begin the administrative process to get you checked in to the unit.
    • Uniform for check-in: Wear business casual (collar shirt and khakis for men, and equivalent for women). Report to NROTC Orientation with a haircut in accordance with United States Navy Uniform Regulations. Females do not need to have short hair but must be able to tie it back neatly. Men should be cleanly shaven.
    • Parents are welcome to attend the oath of office, but do not need attend the administrative in-processing.
    • Required Documents to Bring on 20 August 2024:
      1. Travel Receipts (Scholarship Students only) i.e. airplane tickets, bus tickets, driving dates
      2. Complete this direct deposit form: Direct Deposit Form (Scholarship Students Only)
      3. Copy of sickle cell trait test results. We have to identify midshipmen that are SCT positive. The following are the acceptable laboratory tests for determining sickle cell trait status: .
        • Hemoglobin solubility- will report as positive or negative. Positive result requires follow-up testing via Hemoglobin electrophoresis.
        • Hemoglobin electrophoresis. *The result will report the percentage of normal hemoglobin cells (A) and sickle cells (S).
        • High pressure liquid chromatography (HLPC)
        • Many states performed sickle cell trait screening as a part of the newborn testing. These results can be used in lieu of the above.
      4. Copy of your immunization records (COVID-19 immunization is not required, but provide a copy if you were vaccinated)
      5. Official Birth certificate (Birth Certificate can be a certified copy) and Social Security Card (Copies will be made and returned during your admin apt.)
      6. Copy of Sports Physical and Report of Medical History (DD form 2807) –College Programmers and Scholarship Students who don’t currently have a qualified DoDMERB. ENSURE YOUR DOCTOR SIGNED THE FINAL PAGE OF THE “REPORT OF MEDICAL HISTORY” DOCUMENT.
      7. PARFQ – The “Date of Last PHA” will be the date Scholarship students completed their DODMERB Physical, and the sports physical date for college programmers.
      8. Annual Certificate of Physical Condition (NSTC 1533-107 (07-20)) – Required to complete Physical Training. Date form for 15 August 2023.
  1. 23 August – NROTC Orientation will conclude on Friday with a lunch planned by the Midshipmen. You will be free to take care of any personal matters during the evenings.
  2. The NROTC program can be physically demanding. Expect to to complete height/weight measurements and conduct an initial PFT/PRT the first week of school.
    • It is highly encouraged to physically prepare before the semester. Here is a basic six week running plan: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n74b2c_KESUPCSmfgyCqoEJVu3Y0wYUl/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=102775409295506410715&rtpof=true&sd=true
  3. NAVY OPTION: All incoming students will be expected to achieve a passing grade on a Navy Physical Readiness Test during NROTC Orientation. The assessment consists of push-ups, plank and a timed 1.5 mile run. If you do not meet the minimum standards for all three exercises, you will be evaluated for continuation in the program upon the conclusion of orientation. If you have any further questions regarding the PRT, please email nrotc@olemiss.edu.
  4. MARINE OPTION: All incoming marine option students will be expected to achieve a minimum score of 200 on the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test (PFT). The test will be conducted during NROTC Orientation. The assessment consists of pull-ups, planks, and a timed 3-mile run. If you do not meet the minimum standards for all three exercises, you will be evaluated for continuation in the program upon the conclusion of orientation. If you have any further questions regarding the PFT or have not established contact with the Marine Officer Instructor at pdsmith3@olemiss.edu.
  5. The required medical forms should have been completed with the college programmer application or through DODMERB. Ensure on Report of Medical Examination that the medical examiner signed the last page and fully completes this document. This will prevent a student from training.
  6. It is very important that you keep us updated should your medical status change before you arrive at NROTC Orientation. You may not be able to participate if you are injured or are taking certain medications. Also, if you have been awarded a scholarship, you will not receive tuition benefits until you become medically qualified.
  7. Refer to the Ole Miss NROTC website for answers to FAQ’s and other useful information.